Monday, 11 February 2008

What's good this week

I was criticized for not being detailed enough in my last entry so I'll try to be more descriptive this time. :P

I'm not joking, I did absolutely nothing this weekend except work on school stuff (yes I do that occasionally over here) and watch really bad British television. It was kinda good though after being in Barcelona last weekend just being able to relax and chill and sit on my ass and do nothing. I did some work on Thursday but not really, I wrote my art paper and started the underworlds paper. It sucks because even though I don't necessarily not like my professor for that class she's kind of an airhead and fails to mention a lot of vital details when we need to write a paper or something. I found out this morning from some of the other girls that she had breast cancer so now I feel like I'm a bad person if I complain about her. Oh well.
I feel like I totally kicked ass on my art paper though, I got a B- on the last one which needless to say kinda upset me, so this one is now four pages long and answers every question in much more detail. Hopefully it doesn't have the reverse effect, if it does and Q gets another A on his paper which is sloppily handwritten and he didn't even show up for class today I'm gonna be really upset. Art was beyond boring. It was painful, Q definitely had the right idea in not showing up. The class ends at 1:30 and when she finally let us have our break at 12:15 I was pissed because I thought class let out at 12:30. THAT's how bad it was. It's bad, thank God we alternate back and forth from museum to classroom each week. If I had to sit in that classroom for three hours every week, I'd probably get mono and skip....a lot!
I worked on my child development project almost all day on Friday and I have no idea what to expect on it. We had to give a 10 minute presentation of our topic, 5 to present and 5 for questions. I decided that if I went first not only would it be over and done with, but maybe she'd feel bad for me if it sucked and give me pity points for going first. It kinda sucked though, because even though I presented everything I had written, I forgot about mentioning getting parental consent, and the teacher was the only one who really asked my any questions. I don't think my topic really needed me to get parental consent though, so hopefully it went okay. This other girl went right after me though and she basically asked the same question. She asked what classroom desk arrangements had on student on-task behavior and learning and I asked how much of a effect classroom set up had on student learning. It was kinda funny though because she had a Midwestern accent and she seriously sounded like someone hit the fast forward button on her.
Saturday I did some more of nothing and finished my underworlds paper . It was just your basic analytical essay so I think I'll be okay on that too. I called Ankita and talked to her a little bit too, which was nice. :) Sunday was pretty awesome though *eye roll*. We went on this 2 1/2 hour group tour of Kensal Green Cemetery for my underworlds class. It was kinda cool because we got to go down into the catacombs and you can't do that if you go by yourself. I feel like I could've done it on my own though and had a better time, and it definitely didn't need to be two and a half hours either. Cadence brought her dad with her on the tour though cuz he's here visiting until Thursday and she kept yelling at him and calling him a child, but I was laughing at him because it was sooo boring and he was acting how I imagined Fudge would if she was with me. When we left the catacombs he kept poking her and whining and saying stuff like Caaaadence, this is boring! I have to pee, I'm hungry, can we leave? Where's McDonalds? I was cracking up and Cadence got mad because I "was encouraging him". I couldn't help it though, he's been to London tons of times though so he's pretty much done everything there is to do here already. After about an hour of us nagging her to let us peace she finally gave up trying to pay attention herself and grabbed us and we booked it. Best decision I've made since I've been here, seriously. I can't even complain about it to Kellie Robertson though because she had breast cancer and probably thought it was the coolest thing ever.
After we left and finally got back to Islington at 5:30 (tour started at 2), we went to The Arc to get some food, and Cadence's dad treated us to dinner. I told him I had cash and I could pay but he said what good is me being here if I can't hook you guys up with a free meal. Thanks Jeffery! (He doesn't let anyone call him anything but Jeffery, even his kids). When my Mom and everyone come over I'm definitely taking them to dinner there one night because you get 241 pizzas from 5-7 everyday and all day Tuesday. Plus 241 cocktails on Thursdays. Get ready Fudge-o ;) It had a really nice laid back atmosphere, and the staff was really nice too. It was a good time.
What else? Papou hung up on me last night too, that was fun. I tried to go to bed at like 11ish and then the fudge called to complain about certain individuals who are seriously lacking in the intelligence department, so that woke me up and then I got to hear Suki screaming into the phone (miss her!) and then Yiayia came on for a minute. I was excited to hear from everyone until Papou tried to get on and just hung up on me. I waited by the phone for about 15 minutes and then decided they weren't calling me back so I went to bed. By this time is about midnight.
Then my phone goes off and I think it 8am already and I have to get up, nope, its 1am and I had just about fallen asleep. I answer the phone and it's Q. "Oh My God, are you sleeping?" "Are you serious? We both have to be up in 7 hours, NO I'm not sleeping." "OK good, can I come grab the child development book?" You have GOT to be kidding me. He comes and grabs it and I spend the next 45minutes trying to get back into the same dream. Didn't work. Cue to this morning: 7:55am phone rings AGAIN. It's a text from Q saying he's sick and not going to class, can I print out his stuff and turn it in for him? Sure, why not? I swear to God, I'm way too nice sometimes.
I have my Jack the Ripper walk tomorrow, I almost forgot, now I'm excited :D. On Thursday I'm going to the West End with my pop culture class too, hopefully it's more exciting than the British Museum was. On Monday I'm going to two museums, I'm going to the Royal Academy for art and the Freud Museum for child development. Monday is gonna be long. I'm pretty sure that's all for ow though, no definite plans for the weekend yet, definitely trying to go meet some brits though! ;) Till next time

1 comment:

Chal Pivik said...

Don't forget about Portobello Road if you have time over the weekend. Bangers and mash, yum!